Wednesday 19 October 2016

Tri Swim Coach Helps Triathletes Swim Faster Using Less Energy

Over 4,500 Triathletes Have Slashed Average of 7:21 Minutes off Their Triathlon Race Times

San Diego - Oct 15, 2016 - As the popularity of triathlons continues to grow, Tri Swim Coach, the leader in triathlon swim training , is increasing its efforts to help triathletes reach their triathlon goals through their “Tri Swim Success” triathlon swim training program. With their user friendly online training platform and virtual coaching, Tri Swim Coach helps triathletes reach their performance goals at any level and distance, from completing their first Sprint Distance triathlon to setting a personal record for an Olympic Distance or Ironman® Triathlon.

“We want to enable all levels of triathletes to train smarter by providing them with the tools and support to take their triathlon swim training to a new level and reach their goals” said Kevin Koskella, head coach at Tri Swim Coach. “We’re excited to see triathletes of all levels become efficient swimmers, and go faster this race season with the help of our Tri Swim Success triathlon swim training program.”

This systematic approach to triathlon swim training can help triathletes accomplish their goals and minimize the chances of getting injured.

“Whether you are training for your first triathlon, or your next, preparing for a race begins long before race day,” said Coach Christopher Hague. “Setting a triathlon or a fitness goal is a great first step, but understanding your goal and what you need to do to achieve that goal is the key.”

Tri Swim Success helps beginner to experienced triathletes in an encouraging and attainable way with superior swim techniques, drills, and open water & race strategies. It also provides users with triathlon swim training plans. Athletes can select the distance of the triathlon race they are training in twelve short weeks.

The program is designed for the athlete to get the most out of every workout without over-training.

Anyone who is interested in effective training for a Triathlon that includes how to breathe in freestyle, how to swim straight in the open water, which workouts to do in the pool for a triathlon swim, and what to do to get faster in the water, this swim training program offers effective and efficient training necessary for triathlon swimming.

For more, go to

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